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Saturday, September 27, 2008

Adwords And Adsense

Adwords And Adsense - What Do They Mean? by mark coverdale

As an internet marketer you will come across both of the terms Adwords and Adsense at some stage. As a new internet marketer you will be learning many things and these words will probably not be familiar to you.

In fact it can even become quite confusing when there seems so much to learn that you may push these aside and put them in the 'learn later' folder.

Adwords and Adsense are both terms you will hear a lot of and given time you will possibly use both of them.

So what are Adwords and Adsense?

Let's start with Adwords.

Adwords is the term used for advertising on Google. If you search for a word on Google you will get probably thousands of results come up with the first page displaying perhaps the first ten results. These results appear on the left side of the page.

You will also notice on the right side of the page there is a list that appears. This list is the Adwords ads that marketers pay to have displayed on the Google search engine.

These ads are also displayed within websites. You can choose whether to have your advertisement displayed on other people's websites or only on the search engine results page.

The advertiser is charged each time someone clicks on his/her advertisement.

So if you are promoting your website or product, or an affiliate product, you may want to use Adwords advertising to reach customers for that website or product.

The cost of advertising with Adwords depends on the keywords you use for your ad. You place a bid on your keywords and your ad is then displayed in order by the highest bidder for that keyword. So if your keyword bid is the second highest your ad will appear in the second spot.

Keyword value will vary with each word and with different topics. Some keywords will need very high bids to achieve a high spot in the advertising displays.

Adsense is also a service offered by Google, but instead of you being the advertiser paying for the Adwords ad, you are the website owner who is being paid a percentage of that cost for having the ads displayed on your website.

Those same Adwords ads that are also displayed on websites, you can have on your website. You will get paid an amount every time someone clicks on one of the ads displayed on your website.

Google will automatically put ads on your site that relate to the topic of your website. You will need to place the advertisement blocks within your pages and select they styles and colors that best suit your site.

Then you just need to drive traffic to your site so that you will have people clicking on those ads.

Google Adsense can be a very good way to make some extra income if you set your site up correctly and gain traffic to your site.

Once you have this understanding of what both Adwords and Adsense are they can play a very large part in your online income achievements.

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