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Saturday, September 27, 2008

Internet Marketing Strategy

The Greatest Internet Marketing Strategy Using Google Adsense by harmanjit

Are you writing articles with the idea of marketing your internet business?

Discover how using the right keywords in articles and having Google Adsense ads on your content site is now one of the most profitable ways of internet advertising.

Are you using this internet marketing strategy?

If not, you may be leaving thousands of dollars of extra profits on the table by not utilizing this strategy.

This is one of the many reasons writing original quality content articles is now the latest marketing buzz.

The two basics that you can combine to really power a successful website. Content and links.

You already know that right?

Are you writing articles and submitting them using such services as Submit Your Article?

Many internet marketing pro’s having been writing articles for many years. They already know the value of original quality content and using keywords will drive targeted traffic to their websites from the search engines such as Google.

So why don’t all internets marketing business owners write and submit articles for their internet marketing strategy?

The simple answer is that it takes time to write articles, submit them and get targeted traffic to their ebsites.

Another reason is that writing articles reminds us of school research papers, essays and reports that are a deep negative anchor in the subconscious mind.

Did you enjoy writing when you were in school?

If your answer is yes, you have an advantage over the 95% of internet marketing business owners that want to make money online with a work at home opportunity.

Imagine how much opportunity there is for you because of knowing this simple fact.

The other 5% are taking advantage of this internet marketing strategy and internet advertising, by using Google Adsense ads to make money online on the front and backend writing articles.

Why do you think marketing sites want fresh, quality, original keyword rich content?

The website owner can have an article with keywords that relate to their website content. This helps their websites page rank when indexed by the search engines. Which in turn, gets more Google Adsense ads to show above, below and or next to the article on their website with targeted traffic?

Think about this for a moment. Imagine taking advantage of a work at home opportunity, marketing from both sides of the sales coin with 3 simple steps.

3 Simple Steps To Success With Content And Keywords

1.) You write quality original content, keyword/phrase rich articles, with links to your website in the resource box.

2.) You build a website or web page with targeted keyword/phrase rich original content for the targeted traffic that originates from your articles.

3.) You have Google Adsense ads that are targeted to your keyword/phrase rich original content site when visitors looking for more information arrive.

If you did not get all that, you may want to read it again.

A Win-Win Situation For Everyone Involved.

The person looking for quality content and information.

The person writing the original content articles.

The person with the quality original content rich website.

And Yes, Google Adsense and their advertisers are getting targeted traffic and sales, but so is everyone else.

Internet marketing business owners, who incorporate Google Adsense with writing articles, can make money online if done properly with this internet marketing strategy.

An Overview Of Google Adsense And Writing Articles.

There are 3 keys to internet marketing success writing articles and using Google Adsense ads.

1.) Keyword Research. Find popular subjects and keywords/phrases, using a keyword selector and suggestion tool by Overture and 7Search.

2.) Writing Articles. Write original content with keywords from your research.

3.) Quality Content Site. Build a quality content site incorporated with Google Adsense ads that target the subject and keywords of your article and website.

There are many marketing business ideas.

Starting an internet marketing business can be very rewarding and at the same time challenging.

It’s best to take the time to research and develop an internet marketing strategy.

You can find all the tools, information and resources online by doing a Google search on any subject such as Google Adsense.

Internet marketing opportunities are wide open for you. Writing articles and using Google Adsense for your internet marketing strategy is one way to get a piece of the action.

Are you going to take advantage of the greatest internet marketing strategy online today to make money online with Google Adsense and writing articles?

Just get started. Do whatever it takes to write something. For building long term success, there’s very little you can do that will give you near the same results online today.

About the Author


Organic SEO

What Is Organic SEO? by The Davinator

Before we can understand what organic SEO is, we first need to understand just what search engine optimization is itself. When many people hear the words "Search Engine Optimization", the phrase is enough to scare them off. In the next paragraph we will try to put those people's minds at ease with a simple explanation.

Search Engine Optimization is a process of choosing the most appropriate targeted keyword phrases related to your site and ensuring that this ranks your site highly in search engines so that when someone searches for specific phrases it returns your site on tops. It basically involves fine tuning the content of your site along with the HTML and Meta tags and also involves appropriate link building process.

The most popular search engines are known as "The Big Three". These search engines include Google, Yahoo, and MSN Search. Search engines keep their methods and ranking algorithms secret, to get credit for finding the most valuable search-results and to deter spam pages from clogging those results. A search engine uses tons of different factors while ranking the listings where the factors themselves and the weight each carries may change continually. Algorithms can differ so widely that a webpage that ranks #1 in a particular search engine could rank #200 in another search engine.

Brand new sites don't necessarily need to be submitted to search engines to be listed. A simple link from a well established site will get the search engines to visit the new site and begin to spider its contents. This is itself, a form of Organic SEO. It can take a few days to even weeks from the referring of a link from such an established site for all the main search engine spiders to commence visiting and indexing the new site.

If you are unable to research and choose keywords and work on your own search engine ranking, you may want to hire someone to work with you on these issues. One of the most important factors in gaining very good results with Organic SEO is in the keyword research itself. Some people tend to think that this crucial part of the process doesn't matter that much, but, if you end up competing with millions or even billions of other search results you will had wished you learned more about this important step

Search engine marketing and promotion companies, will look at the plan for your site and make recommendations to increase your search engine ranking and website traffic. If you wish, they will also provide ongoing consultation and reporting to monitor your website and make recommendations for editing and improvements to keep your site traffic flow and your search engine ranking high. Normally your search engine optimization experts work with your web designer to build an integrated plan right away so that all aspects of design are considered at the same time.

For the most part, the companies that provide work for their clients only participate in getting the sites good ranking with Organic SEO practices. It's really not worth it for these companies to be using what are know as "Black Hat" practices, as it would only hurt the reputation of their business in the long run.

About the Author

Davin Ogden runs several successful web sites on the internet. It you would like to learn more about Organic SEO and more helpful information please visit his called The SEO Advantage. To join a powerful viral list building system owned by himself and Holly Mann, please visit Honest Brands.

Web Traffic Tips

Web Traffic Tips - A Forgotten one by Joseph Then

If you are wondering what is the forgotten traffic technique, here is it. It's signature line.

You should have used signature lines everyday, whether it is for work or for personal. In fact, almost everyone who uses the Internet should have used signature line? Chances are the answer to that question is no. Most people do not use signature lines to their full potential and that is a shame because they have so much to offer.

What is a Signature Line

A signature line is part of every email and message board system. The signature line is a place for you to sign you email or post. Some system allows you to even put pictures in your signature, in addition to just a short line.

Many people will put a quote or a comment about themselves there in the signature line. However, if you are business-minded, you will be using signatures for business promotion.

How to Use your Signature Line

There are some things you have to know about signature lines. For your personal emails inserting a link is fine, but on message boards and in other situations, linking is usually banned in signature lines. So, you have to be a bit more creative.

You will need to sell your business without making it look too obvious. You do not want to get banned due to misuse of your signature line.

You should check out the website guidelines with regards to using your signature line. You will need to make sure you follow the rules or you could get in trouble.

Signature Lines as Advertising

The bad thing about signature lines is that they are easily overlooked. It is up to you to make sure they catch the eye of the reader. Make it look interesting and make it stand out.

If allowed per the posting rules you can add in fancy writing, pictures and other flourishes to help make your signature line stand out.

Do Not Under Estimate Signature Lines

Most people think signature lines are too little to do any good. This is a major misconception. People read signature lines more often than you think. They are a look at the person and tell you more about them. So, do not just sell in your signature line, but also divulge a little side of your personality and tell them who you are to really make it stand out and make it work to help you get more business and traffic at your website.

About the Author

Visit Joseph's website at http://www.nkthen.com today and learn many FREE traffic tips! Over 300+ traffic tips has been installed for you!

Monitor Your Website Traffic

Search Engine Marketing: Monitor Your Website Traffic by Meenakshi Wali

Search engine marketing is an essential requirement for any online business that is running a website for promotion and sales. Traffic generation is the prime concern for any search engine marketing strategy. But it often happens that the active traffic does not seem too effective for the websites in concern.

There are several traffic building techniques that can be used for pulling traffic to a particular website, pay per click is one of the traffic generating method of search engine marketing that is now being used widely by online business. Though there is no harm in using PPC as a method to attract visitors to your website, what is important is that the PPC campaign should be regularly monitored in order to find out if they are actually benefiting the project or not.

Many businesses that find the paid campaigns expensive and a burden on their finances can also opt for the free campaign that works on targeted marketing. Search engine optimization is a free traffic generating campaign that is a part of search engine marketing. But this too requires tremendous monitoring and research before they can be show results. The keywords that are selected for SEO need to be appropriate to the website and also applicable to user queries. Search engine optimization is a stable and permanent search marketing program but it is difficult to pull good traffic from it, unless the websites are listed in the first few pages.

PPC on the other hand lists the websites on the first page of the SERP and is more powerful in pulling quality traffic. But since it is an expensive technique not many businesses invest in it. There are ways in which the cost of PPC can be pulled down so that they do not move beyond the estimated target.

On such way of minimizing the cost of a PPC campaign is to invest in less popular keywords. Though they will generate a comparatively lesser number of traffic, but the traffic flow will be substantial enough to match the requirement of the website. Another way of attracting traffic is to bid on misspelled keywords. It might sound weird but it is a fact that many visitors make typos on the search engines. This can be a benefit to your campaign and will help you attract the required traffic to your website.

About the Author

Meenakshi Wali is an expert in Internet marketing solutions, presently working with Rupiz Media LTD., one of the leading internet marketing company, offering online marketing services, SEO services, email marketing and search engine marketing over the globe.

Engine Placement Secrets

Improved Search Engine Placement Secrets by Mark Abrahams

When you develop your website do you stare into space? Do you keep on reading different forums and search engine ranking newsletters with different tricks to get to the top and wonder what steps you need to take to get it ranked well in search engines? It takes at least six months or more to get good rankings, but well worth the effort in the long run for all the free traffic you will get. Getting rankings in Yahoo and MSN takes much quicker a month to two while getting good rankings in Google can take up to 9 months for a brand new site with the Google sandbox.

Choose a good niche and do your keywords research to choose keywords without too much competition that will get good traffic. You can use the Overture search suggestion tool and the Wordtracker tool. Wordtracker has good guidelines for selecting keywords without too much competition. Follow these and select your main traffic keyword(2 to 3 words in length recommended) that you will optimize your home page for. You need to draw up a list of keywords preferably 2 to 4 keywords in length that will represent your main content of your website. Design each page of content based on these keywords, but remember to design the content for humans and not for search engines.

Your on page factors account for only about 10% of your search engine rankings. The title carries the most significance in your ranking. Use the key words in the title and keep it short 4 to 7 words and only target one set of key words in each title. The heading carries the next most significance and use your keywords in here. Use your keywords in the body of the web page 2 to 3 times. You can also place keywords once in the comment tags and the alt tags of the image tag.

Your off page factors account for about 90% of your search engine optimization. This mainly consists of getting quality back links to your website and you can use several ways to do this.

Get listed in the two most important directories on the web Yahoo and Open Directory. Google even mentions on their site that a link from these two websites constitutes as a vote of quality as in http://www.google.com/webmasters/guidelines.html. This definitely helps new websites trying to break out of the Google sandbox.

Second tier directories which are important and will also help your search engine rankings since these still contain a quality directory trusted by search engines. These include Best Of The Web, Business.com, MSN BCentral and Gimpsy.

A few third tier directories that will help your rankings in Yahoo and MSN, but these will not boost your Google search engine rankings. I suggest you submit to a few of these.

You can write your way using articles to the top of search engines. Submit your polished article to the article directories and get good quality back links. Make sure that you place your anchor text in the title of your link for your keywords. You can write a good article with the following tips. Think of an attention grabbing headline, write your introduction and conclusion first, list your main points of your articles with bullet points and expand on these.

Do a search on Google for the top websites for your related niche and get the top 50 websites linking to you excluding your competitors. Topical links will boost your search engine rankings while unrelated links will not help.

Do a newsworthy press release to obtain free publicity and get good quality links pointing to your website. Include your anchor text for your keywords in your link to your website, follow the press release format and avoid sales and promotion. Based on my research PRweb comes highly recommended as a paid option while pr.com, prleap.com and free-press-release.com comes recommended as good free options.

Once you start doing the above activities on a daily basis your search engine rankings will improve. Search engine optimization takes at least 6 months for a new site before you start seeing good results. Usually you see results much quicker in MSN and Yahoo, but Google takes much longer.

About the Author

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Increase your web traffic

Increase your web traffic!! by Steven Dill

Getting your website in the faces of those on the internet! PEOPLE MAKING A LIVING ONLINE!

Super Users! Dont under estimate this group. They can reach 1000s in a minute!

Lets now discuss some of the ideas for the promotion of your website.

First, Websites out there that pay user to surf, click, read, and promote. I say AutoSurf Exchanges; of course I own 4 of them? Sure… but think about the activity that surrounds using these types of advertising venues. Starting, stopping, checking the surf bar (that credits the member) EVERY DAY! Checking if the surf timer is still running occurs frequently. Your website (or capture page) is bound to be seen… a full PAGE view, not a PopUp, PopUnder, Pop etc., Not links sitting in a corner, etc.! Next, the uniqueness of the traffic sent has to be counted. 1000s of unique IP addresses from all around the world, once again daily! The days of limited bandwidthis dead, if your site has limited bandwidth capabilities… don’t ever dream of ever topping the internet search engines, or even making it online. Remember, as of March 2008, there are 8 plus billion websites and growing. Its a race.

Second, you can offer your visitors a free-bie such as an e-Book or may be free software that can be downloaded from your website or directly to him to a vendor of whom you are an affiliate.

The most important part is the content, in other words you can say that Content is King. So try and have excellent content related to the theme of your site and update them regularly. Provide unique information and resources for which your visitor should be ever grateful to you. It should be easy to read and understand with no grammatical mistakes and spelling errors. If the visitors are happy they will hang around and explore your site further.

Provide opportunities to submit articles and also their websites to a very easy to use link directory thus getting them more involved with your website.

Your website should carry a Professional appearance. It should be perfect with respect to design, content and display of advertisements as it will motivate the visitor to remain longer.

Well Social Media marketing through social book marking and social networking can also be the two effective ways for website promotion.

You can use articles as free advertising. These are often more effective than ads as people will be more inclined to read an article rather than an ad.

And to increase the rank of your page it is important to build up the number of backward links your website. You can do this by e-mailing other websites preferably in the same business sector as your own and asking if they would be willing to swap links with your site.

You can also set up a small Site blog as it is a good way to build a regular flow of traffic to your website(s).

Here are some of the basic important things to remember when promoting your website.

1) Make sure you have some unique content in your website as nobody wants to read the same old stuff. 2) Writing articles is another new trend these days so as to promote the website and also it helps you gain the backward links. 3) You should always keep an eye and update your website with all the latest happenings and unique content, to avoid your website from becoming stale. 4) Directory Submissions - targeted links at high PR directories 5) Blog and Forum Postings - to high PR and frequently crawled sites 6) Social Book-marking 7) Classified Ads 8) Article Marketing - submit to high PR directories, could also serve as link baits 9) Link Exchange - with relevant sites authority sites

And if youre determine to do any of this, its not that difficult, and if you learn how to advertise and promote your website its to your best advantage, you will make a massive difference to your traffic flow, in turn equals more sales.

About the Author

Steven Dill is the author of this article on Website Promotion. He has spoken about website visitors and different features of website promotion and free advertising. Visit eCashTraffic for more information

Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Marketing - Automotive Miracle Or Myth by Dan Mercurio

In the early days when computers were just coming of age and the internet as we know it today had yet to be born, it was difficult to see what lie ahead. Information was not as plentiful and moving from paper and pen to keyboard and mouse just did not seem to be what people were pushing for. But as time went on and more and more people began to see the growth of what has now become the world's biggest repository of electronic information, people and businesses alike have looked far and wide for how they can take advantage of this new age miracle to get their products and services seen by people everywhere.

The automotive market, in particular new car dealers have relied on traditional methods such as newspaper ads, TV commercials and radio spots to get the message out about whom they were and what they had to offer. It was not only costly, but reaching the market area desired and beating out the local competition was very difficult in deed. Like other large metropolitan areas, new car dealers markets such as Boston Honda, Los Angeles Toyota, and Dallas Mazda have caught on to the technology know as Search Engine Marketing.

Companies such as Elite Search Engine Marketing, a search engine optimization company, who know the ins and outs of how search engines promote people and products on the internet, are in the business of helping dealers to position themselves better and rank higher for their particular market areas for the goods and services they offer. They work with dealers to not only design a strategy for how the dealer needs to market themselves, but also help dealers to understand what they need to do better to both attract the customers and offer them what they are looking for to make the final sale as well.

The marketing initiatives in the automotive industry are completely different than they were a few short years ago. When a dealership changed hands or branched out from a larger dealer group, such is the case of Audi Seacoast and Porsche North Shore breaking out from Dover AutoWorld, the concerns were less complicated than they are today. Beyond the obvious of relocation and spreading the word about the move, there are now additional issues that need to be dealt with that a few pieces of advertising cannot typically accomplish. The daunting task of designing, developing, and optimizing a new website is now part of this overall marketing strategy. Because a very high percentage of all dealership customers find and research their new cars via the internet, it is imperative for each dealership to have a strong presence on the internet. Search Engine Marketing was designed for just this type of situation.

The greatest majority of dealers are beginning to take this more seriously and moving dollars away from the traditional methods of advertising to a more substantial investment in an internet marketing strategy where they can get far more bang for their buck. The methods for how a dealer can market to a wider market area and how quickly advertising can change when necessary based on customers needs makes this one of the best investments any dealer can make.

About the Author

Dan Mercurio is President of Elite Search Engine Optimization Company. We can administer a quality SEM campaign for you as we have for Dallas Mazda and Ford NH | Chrysler NH | Dodge NH | Jeep NH |Kia NH

Marketing For MLM

How To Use Bulk Email Internet Marketing For MLM by Daegan H. Smith

MLM is business where you can earn two ways. First, you can promote the product or the service that is directly linked to your MLM business. MLM is constructed in such a way that you earn a certain commission for every product or service that you have sold out of your efforts. The second way of earning through this business opportunity is by creating a solid downline of people who would work like you do. You will earn from them as they join the program and you will also get a certain percentage of their every sale.

The surest way to earn from an MLM business opportunity is to get more members and to make more sales. When you think about it, this feat is not very easy. Especially not over the internet where you have lots of competition. You need people interested in your product. And you need people whom you can encourage to market the product like you do.

Now there's one effective way to either promote your products online or to get more people on your downline. And that's through the use of bulk email internet marketing. Bulk email marketing is a strategy that was long proven in the world wide web. Studies have shown that before a person buys from you or heeds to your invitation, you have to make contact with them at least 12 times. This means that you have to stick around and converse one-way with your prospects until you reached the 12th correspondence. Only then they would buy something from you.

And there's no more effective way to do all of that than to have a powerful email list. You just have to compose one moving sales letter and send it once to all people on your list. If there are 10,000 email addresses in there, then you've got a good number of people who will read your email and probably, respond favorably in your first few contacts.

The key is to get a targeted list. The people on your email list should be people who are more or less interested in the service, product, or opportunity you are offering. This is very important so that you won't waste your time contacting people who are either too old to participate or clearly doesn't fall under your category of legitimate clients.

The biggest downside of bulk email internet marketing is the risk of being accused of spamming. Spamming is the act of sending unsolicited emails to people who did not opt in to your email list. This is the common problem of people who buys email lists. Also, if you buy email lists from others, you are not so sure if the emails listed in there are really working, have been closed, or is already an abandoned email address. You might be wasting your time and energy reaching out to people who don't exist at all.

To address these problems, it is best that you try to amass those email addresses yourself. Build a functional website that can collect your prospect's contact details by signing in to a subscription page or a guest list. If you have the funds, you can partner with a bigger site and try to propose a visitor opt-in deal with them. Every visitor who agrees to be sent marketing materials about the product or service that you are offering can be added to your bulk email internet marketing list. And these are the people you need because they are genuinely interested with the things that you are offering.

About the Author

Daegan Smith Is And Expert Online Marketer "Wanna Lean The Secret To Making $85,147,717 Per Month While Quickly And Easily EXPLODING Your Network Marketing Organization by 7,141 People Without EVER Buying Or Calling a Single Stinking Lead?" Free CD Explains All: ==> http://www.easymlmprofits.com

Build a Downline

How to Build a Downline by Daegan H. Smith

There are different ways to earn over the internet. And one of the most popular ways of doing it is through MLM or multi-level marketing. The program works by recruiting other members to enlist under you. Whatever they earn from the system, you will have a certain percentage of it. They too, can earn the same way if the recruit others to join the network in the same way that you did. Some MLM companies are paying up to third and fourth degree downlines.

MLM seems to be a lucrative business. But a lot of people are hesitant to join because of one reason - they are afraid they will never build their downlines. However, it is rather easy to recruit downlines, if you know how to do it. Here are some tips:

1. Participate actively in forums.

Do you know that the very people you can recruit are chatting idly at forums? Select a forum that is very related to the product, the system, or the service that your MLM parent company is offering. In there, you will find all sorts of people - people who want to buy the product, people who are selling it, and people who simply interested in knowing more about it. If you actively participate in forums related to your business and build a good reputation, it will be easy for you recruit others to join you.

2. Use social networking sites.

Social networking sites were hit this decade. For some reason, it has lured half of all the internet users in the world to create their profile, build their own web page, and invite other friends to join the network. See, that's exactly how MLM works. And so if social networking sites were so popular, you might as well use it to find members to become your downline. If you have been using the internet for so long, chances are, you are already a part of a social networking site like MySpace. If you are, then all you have to do is to send an invitation email to your friends. Just count how many would respond positively upon your invitation.

3. Advertise.

More often than not, online MLM businesses provide their members with their own splash page to gain more recruits. Use that link and advertise it on key places like Google, Overture, Yahoo, and others. You might need to create an entirely different landing page or generate a redirect URL for it, as some of these sites don't accept referral links. Also, there are some people who refrain from going to sites that are obviously a referral link because they do not want to be sold to.

4. Use member generator sites, tools, and software

Right now, a lot of internet and programming experts had seen the need of MLM marketers to build a strong downline for their business to flourish. For this purpose, several websites, tools, and programs were created to do exactly that. There are sites that offer referral exchanges and sites that allow the referral links and banners to be published. As for tools, there are downline software that can be used to manage, contact, and follow up prospects or members of your MLM business.

These are the ways on how you can build your downline and be successful in MLM. MLM is one of the most profitable businesses online. It can provide you with residual income. That also means that after all your hard work, you can retire knowing that your downline will always be around working for you.

About the Author

Daegan Smith Is And Expert Online Marketer "Wanna Lean The Secret To Making $85,147,717 Per Month While Quickly And Easily EXPLODING Your Network Marketing Organization by 7,141 People Without EVER Buying Or Calling a Single Stinking Lead?" Free CD Explains All: ==> http://www.easymlmprofits.com

Internet Marketing

Best Way to Make Money Online: An Internet Marketing Primer by Robert Matthews

As an Internet Marketer, one of the questions I get asked most often by people wanting to get started in this field is, "What is the best way to make money online?" It is a relatively simple question, but it has many answers. There are tons of ways to make money online. People do it every day, and some of them make quite a good living at it.

But, what is best for one person may not necessarily be the best way for you. It all depends on the level of Internet marketing experience you have, what areas you are knowledgeable about, how much you have to invest and your threshold of risk for losing money.

If you are just starting out, I don't recommend spending a lot of money on a project. It is best to start small and learn the ropes. It is tough enough to learn the ins and outs of Internet Marketing without a big investment riding on it. There are numerous low-dollar ways to break into the field, and still make decent money online. Once you learn the ropes, then you can target the more ambitious projects.

How Much Can I Make?

A little bit of a reality check here. You are not going to make millions overnight in this business. If anyone promises you this, run the other way quickly. That is a sure sign of a scam. Don't get me wrong, it is possible to make that kind of money online. It is just not going to happen that quickly or easily. If it did, everyone would be doing this for a living.

A realistic goal for when you are just starting out is to make between $200 to $1000 a month. I know, it is not a fortune, but it is nothing to sneeze at either. That extra money every month could buy you that new car, help you cover the mortgage payment, take a nice vacation or whatever else you would like to do. The most important thing is that while you are earning this extra income, you are also learning the skills that will allow you to possibly bag that million dollars on down the road.

What about the Scams and Rip-Offs?

The most difficult part of getting started is avoiding all the scams and rip-offs. There are many programs out there that promise Internet riches and offer to train you to tap into it and make millions overnight. All of them claim to be the best way to make money online. Quite honestly, these programs are not even worth the cost of the bandwidth you used to open their web site. They are merely ways to separate you from your hard earned cash, and you will learn little or nothing of value.

Trust me on this one. I was taken more times than I care to remember when I was starting out. It is hard not to fall for them, or at least be lulled by them. They make it all seem so easy and fool-proof. Unfortunately, the information is usually useless, outdated or leaves out the important stuff needed to be successful - the secrets that the "Gurus" keep to themselves.

It kind of makes sense when you think about it. The gurus selling these programs have no vested interest in your success. Once they have your money for their program, their goals have been met. Whether you succeed or not doesn't mean anything to them. They are not concerned if their system is the best way to make money online for you. Matter of fact, your failure works in their favor because it makes you more likely to come back to buy more products, looking for that secret that will make it all work for you.

What Type of Online Business Should I Start?

When most people think about starting an online business, they automatically think of setting up an online store and selling a line of hard products. But, this is usually not the best way to go. It is very difficult to market hard products on the Internet because of the overwhelming competition.

For proof, go to Google and do a search on any type of product you can think of. You will be shocked by the number of results that come back. Take a good look at them. They will be your direct competition. And, they already have quite a head start on you.

Sure, you can make money marketing hard goods on the Internet. There are numerous success stories out there about how people found a product niche, setup an online store and the money started rolling in. But, for every one of those success stories, there are thousands and thousands that quietly failed.

The easiest and best way to make money online is by marketing information products. Information products sell well on the Internet because it is the first place people go when looking for information. Think about it. You came here looking for information on the best way to make money online, didn't you?

The biggest obstacle to marketing an information product online is actually creating the product. It can take months to research and produce a product. You will also have to write all the advertising copy, setup a delivery system and design a marketing plan. And, all the time you are slaving away at this, and spending money, you have no ideas if it will be successful or not.

Definitely not a quick way to get started making money, nor is it one recommend for a novice to the field. There are just way too many pitfalls. So, while marketing information products may be the best way to make money online, it is best not to start out creating your own products. You should wait until you get some knowledge and experience under your belt before taking this road.

How Do I Get Started Without All the Risk, Work and Expense?

The best "low-dollar" way to get your feet wet and learn the Internet Marketing game is by marketing someone else's product. There are many companies and individuals that have gone through the long and expensive process of developing a viable information product. They have setup a delivery system, written all the advertising copy and developed a complete marketing plan. It is all there waiting for you. All you have to do is market the product, and start earning hefty commissions of up to 75 percent of the product's sales price.

The best part is that the companies that you are marketing for want you to succeed! If you are successful that means they are selling their products, and that is exactly what they want to happen. So, these companies are usually very willing to do anything they can to help you succeed. This is because the more successful you are, the more of their product you sell. They have a vested interest in your success.

However, there are some companies that are more supportive than others. One of the best I have found does absolutely everything for you. They provide you with a web site that is ready to go, complete marketing materials, easy step-by-step instructions and personalized support is only an e-mail or phone call away. You don't have to worry about programming a web site, dealing with customers or delivering product. All you have to do is follow the easy marketing plan to drive traffic to the site.

A program like this helps you avoid all the mistakes a new marketer is likely to make, and is an excellent choice for a novice Internet Marketer. Not only does their guidance help you start making money online right away, it also helps you build a solid foundation so you can expand your horizons and make even more money online.

It is sort of like getting paid to attend an Internet Marketing University. While you are quietly making a good side income, you will also be learning all the marketing tricks of the masters. When you are ready, you will be able to take all the knowledge you were paid to acquire, and use it to develop and market your very own products. Now, that is when the money will really start to roll in!

If you would like more information on the program, click on this link to the Ultimate Wealth Package. Mark Warren seems to have put a lot of effort into setting this system up, and his support staff is excellent. You are not going to become an overnight millionaire following the program, but you will make a pretty decent income while you are learning the Internet Marketing field. In my opinion, it is the best way to make money online if you are just starting out, or haven't been very successful in your previous attempts.

Whatever path you take in Internet Marketing, my best wishes to you for success!

AdSense Discovery

Accidental AdSense Discovery by Carson Danfield

If you've been using AdSense on your websites for any length of time, you know how frustrating it can be if the AdSense ads don't closely match the content of your pages. With mismatched ads, your visitors aren't very likely to click on the ads and there goes your AdSense income.

I've been building AdSense sites for a while and usually don't have much trouble with the ads matching the content. However, not too long ago, as I was building a new page, I just couldn't get the proper AdSense ads to show up. The subject of the page was related to financial issues, but the AdSense ads were about camping equipment!

As I read the content of the page, there was no doubt about the subject matter. I had my best keywords in the page title, in the meta tags, in the headline tags, in the image alt tags and I had a generous sprinkling of the keywords dispersed throughout the page content.

I refreshed the page several times, hoping that the ads would change to the proper subject. But each refresh of the page only brought more ads for camping equipment.

I have built thousands of AdSense pages before and I never ran into this problem. I did everything I knew about in trying to optimize the page for my financial keywords, but nothing seemed to work. I tried increasing the keyword density, but I still saw ads for camping equipment.

If you refer to Google's AdSense tutorials, you'll see that they do have some special codes that you can insert into the HTML code of your webpage to inform Google of the content area they should use for determining which ads to display. Google supposedly reads the content between these tags and ignores anything else. I put the special codes on my page, expecting that finally I'd get the correct ads. I refreshed the page and guess what - more camping ads!

At this point, I was running out of ideas. I had done everything that made sense, but no matter what I changed, I just couldn't get the right ads. I decided to walk away for a while. Maybe Google needed more time to accurately judge the content in order to make the correct decision about the ads.

I got side-tracked with other matters, so I ignored the new webpage for about a week. I decided to check the ads, since surely Google would have them right by now. I opened the page and - you guessed it - more camping ads!

By this time, I was near the end of my patience and I was getting desperate. I decided that I would grossly overload my new page with the financial keywords in an effort to find the problem. I made a copy of my page and put it in a different directory on the server, just so I wouldn't lose my original page.

After making the copy, I opened it in my web browser and much to my surprise, I was seeing the proper AdSense ads! I didn't make any changes to the content of the page - none at all. This page was an exact duplicate of the one that kept showing the camping ads. The only difference was the location. The duplicate page was placed in a temporary directory for testing. I used one of my keywords for the name of the directory and that made all the difference with the topic of the AdSense ads that Google displayed.

I did a little more experimentation to see what I could learn. I stayed with the new page, the one that was showing the proper ads and made a few changes. First, I removed the special Google HTML codes. I refreshed the page and the right ads were still showing up. Next, I started removing some of the keywords. I was still getting the right ads. I experimented with all the aspects of the page, even the page title. No matter which items I changed, I was still getting the correct ads. After exhaustive experimentation, I determined that although keyword density, page title, headline tags and image alt tags are important, the directory name where the webpage resides seems to have the most impact on the topic of the AdSense ads that Google displays.

If you find yourself in a similar situation, where you just can't get the right AdSense ads, Change The Directory Name!

Adsense account

How to prevent the termination of your Adsense account. by Christos Varsamis

Analysts estimate that click fraud is about between 20-30 percent of the pay per click industry. It is a huge problem and Google has become stricter on this issue. Google was forced to pay refunds to their advertisers in many cases for that reason. So, although the most profound reason for termination of your Adsense account is clicking your website's ads, there are other reasons for Google to terminate your account, you should be aware of.

Do not hide text in your web pages. The trick is old but still many use it. Using small text filled with keywords at the same colour of the background will not help. Google not only will terminate your Adsense account but also ban your website in the free regular listings.

Do you use page cloaking? You should reconsider. This tactic is about a script which redirects the webpage your link supposed to follow to another webpage. Extremely dangerous for Adsense strategies, they lead to termination finally and furthermore they will not list your website in regular listings also.

Link Farms. This is an extremely dangerous tactic which is useless at the same time. Google's algorithms are so advanced that can detect immediately the instant massive link growth. Plus it's highly possible to link your website with other banned website leading to your Adsense account termination. With this tactic you gain nothing but trouble. Avoid it at all costs.

Doorways. This tactic is similar to cloaking pages technique. It is about a web page staffed with keywords redirecting to another user friendly webpage with no content with the aim to get high ranking and get better targeted keywords in adsense account. It used to work at first when search engines were not so advanced. Now it has become dangerous and offers no benefit at all.

Content duplication. Although it is tempting to have many websites with same content in order to increase the possibilities of higher ranking and thus maximizing Adsense clicks, do not fall in the trap. Search engines check constantly the domain's IP and registry dates. In addition the algorithms they have designed scan all their indexes for duplicate content not just whole duplicate web pages, but also duplicate phrases in the text. Google has already hundreds of thousands phrases in their databases, for detecting duplicate phrases.

The outcome is that tricking Google has become extremely difficult. You can Not trick them. They have the best software engineers and enormous funds to invest in advanced technology. That means they have the advantage, and even if you succeed to trick them for a while it will not last because they have the resources to track the fraud sooner or later. If you want serious checks from Google Adsense, you should forget the above "techniques" and focus on ethical promotion strategies, which must incorporate unique content.

Adsense Tips and Tricks

Google Adsense Tips and Tricks... by Pat Watt

Every single website and its owner have the opportunity to make some great money by displaying Google Adsense ads on it. Although many webmasters are making a nice income with these ads, many aren't. Many people say that all you have to do is put up a website and you'll be making over $100 a day with Google Adsense. It does sound simple and it is, but you will need to optimize your site so that you do generate more and more clicks on the ads that are sitting on your site.

The first thing that you need to do is to Place the Google Adsense ads in the right spot of the page. This will determine how much money you will make each day. It is very important that you place the ad at the top of the page (above the fold) on your website in order to get the most clicks.

What this really means is that you will want to place the Adsense code that Google gives you high enough on the page so that your visitors do not have to scroll down to see the Google ads. If you choose to have the ads right at the top above everything else then do that.

By placing the Google Adsense ads at the top of your website above the fold, there is a greater chance that people will click on the ad, which will help your site generate a higher click through rate also known as CTR. The reason for this is because the majority of your visitors will not scroll down the page and look at it. A lot of the time, people look over the top part of the page without worrying about scrolling down.

The way you blend the ads with the rest of your page can determine if the ad is visually appealing or not. It is very crucial to make the Google Adsense ads look like your site and not another ad. You can do this by making the font and color of the ad's text similar to the rest of the page. I also recommend that you blend the background of the ad with the background of your page. It should basically have the same color.

Google gives you the option to go into your account and customize your ads in different fonts and colors. This will help you blend the ads to your site. Make sure that you don't use the banner ads on your site because this will decrease your click through rate.

People who visit your website usually try to avoid any banner and picture ads that they see. If you want to increase your click through rate, you will want to add text ads. Google gives you that option so use it.

Here are some other small tips to increase your Adsense income:

1. Google has confirmed that using the 336x280 rectangle ad block size does have the highest click through rate. Using this ad size will increase your click through rate and the income that you generate.

2. Using a blue underline for the links can also improve your click through rate. This allows the ads to actually stand out and look clickable.

If you follow the advice given above, you can improve your CTR and make more money with Google Adsense.

Checks From Google AdSense

The # 1 Way To Earn Massive Checks From Google AdSense by Abhishek Agarwal

Before proceeding further, I would like to mention that whatever you are about to read might not appeal to some people. But you have to ask yourself "Do I really want to earn from adsense or do I want to be one of the countless many who are lying in the adsense grave?".

If you decide that you want to be an adsense winner, then welcome to the club! I can tell you that what you will read will help you make a killing with adsense.

When I started my adsense business, I had only 1 site - and that site paid me just a few cents every day. I cried, wailed, but Google didn't even notice me. I cried again the next week, and the week after that, but there was no change in my adsense earning! Looking at my income, I felt no better than a beggar on the street, with just a few spare changes in his bowl.

Thankfully, I soon realized that it was foolish to depend on just 1 niche. I understood that I did not have the power to convert a low-paying niche into a high-paying one. But I did have the power to choose my niches. No one could stop me from that.

Most people complain that they are not making any money with adsense. When I ask them how many niches they're in or how many sites they have, the answer is usually 3-4.

You see, it is almost impossible to earn from adsense with just 1 site unless you get thousands of visitors every day. But i assume you do not have that kind of a traffic, right?

Otherwise you wouldn't have been reading this!

If you have just 1-2 niches, I can promise you with 100% confidence - you will not be happy looking at your adsense earnings! If you want to be a big player, you will have to diversify into hundreds of niches. Yes, there is a bit of work involved. But you have to consider this as a business. If you treat it like a business, it will pay you like a business.

If you decide to do this work yourself, it might take you 1-2 months or maybe 3 months. But its all worth it. Another better option is to outsource this work and have other people do it for you. Your outsourcing investment will be recovered soon, very soon. Trust me on this.

We have to focus on quantity and volume. We want to play in big numbers. Only that will take us towards the pearly gates of the "kingdom of adsense!"

You know, there is something really funny about niches. The way some niches work often defies logic. Niches that you think would be high paying may prove to be total disasters.

And niches that seem to be hopeless, might turn out to be real winners. It really has nothing to do with competition. I always say that you can never be 100% sure about which niches would be profitable and which won't.

I have learned that if I go into 10 markets, there will be around 6 that will will be winners. So if I want 300 profitable sites, I need to make around 500 sites.

If you ask me, I feel this is much easier than searching "the best niches". out there. It is just like throwing enough stuff onto the wall and see what sticks.

Once I understood this basic truth, I spent the next few months, making hundreds of mini sites. In fact I created well over 500 sites. In order to keep Google happy, I had some decent content on each of my sites.

I drove traffic through my sites using pay-per-click, as that was the most convenient way of giving me instant results.

After regular testing and monitoring, I found that many of those sites were not paying me. I scrapped them, and concentrated on those that were good. And my adsense income has never been the same again.

I am also about to tell you something that might make some of you feel uneasy.

You must have heard that you should have lots of content on your site. "Content is king", right? But my views are a bit different here. If you want to build an adsense business, I think "content is not the king!"

Yes, you should have good content on your site, and you should also comply with Google's policies. But do not get overly obsessed with putting very high quality content on your adsense sites.

Here's why. We should not forget that our main aim is to make people click on our adsense ads. Our aim is NOT to provide our visitors everything that they are looking for. If we give them enough content, they will get everything they want and will not click on our adsense Ads.

If you put really good content on your sites, you will be left with happy visitors, and sad earnings. You decide what you want. I want happy earnings. What about you?

What I have outlined above is a fool-proof way from earning massive checks from adsense. The only thing that prevents you from earing $300 or even $500 a day in adSense is numbers.

Just rinse-and-repeat the process and get into as many number of niches as possible. Work smarter by outsourcing as much as possible.

The adsense business has got nothing to do with luck. It has got everything to do with volume.

As I said, this involves some work. But the effort you put in would give you excellent results. Armed with this knowledge you can almost dictate your adsense earnings.

Adwords And Adsense

Adwords And Adsense - What Do They Mean? by mark coverdale

As an internet marketer you will come across both of the terms Adwords and Adsense at some stage. As a new internet marketer you will be learning many things and these words will probably not be familiar to you.

In fact it can even become quite confusing when there seems so much to learn that you may push these aside and put them in the 'learn later' folder.

Adwords and Adsense are both terms you will hear a lot of and given time you will possibly use both of them.

So what are Adwords and Adsense?

Let's start with Adwords.

Adwords is the term used for advertising on Google. If you search for a word on Google you will get probably thousands of results come up with the first page displaying perhaps the first ten results. These results appear on the left side of the page.

You will also notice on the right side of the page there is a list that appears. This list is the Adwords ads that marketers pay to have displayed on the Google search engine.

These ads are also displayed within websites. You can choose whether to have your advertisement displayed on other people's websites or only on the search engine results page.

The advertiser is charged each time someone clicks on his/her advertisement.

So if you are promoting your website or product, or an affiliate product, you may want to use Adwords advertising to reach customers for that website or product.

The cost of advertising with Adwords depends on the keywords you use for your ad. You place a bid on your keywords and your ad is then displayed in order by the highest bidder for that keyword. So if your keyword bid is the second highest your ad will appear in the second spot.

Keyword value will vary with each word and with different topics. Some keywords will need very high bids to achieve a high spot in the advertising displays.

Adsense is also a service offered by Google, but instead of you being the advertiser paying for the Adwords ad, you are the website owner who is being paid a percentage of that cost for having the ads displayed on your website.

Those same Adwords ads that are also displayed on websites, you can have on your website. You will get paid an amount every time someone clicks on one of the ads displayed on your website.

Google will automatically put ads on your site that relate to the topic of your website. You will need to place the advertisement blocks within your pages and select they styles and colors that best suit your site.

Then you just need to drive traffic to your site so that you will have people clicking on those ads.

Google Adsense can be a very good way to make some extra income if you set your site up correctly and gain traffic to your site.

Once you have this understanding of what both Adwords and Adsense are they can play a very large part in your online income achievements.

Adsense Account Terminated

How To Avoid Getting Your Adsense Account Terminated by Jason Isakson

Google, being the undisputable leader in search engines from then until now, is placing a high importance on the quality and relevancy of its search engines. Most especially now that the company is public property. In order to keep the shareholders and users of its engines happy, the quality of the returned results are given extreme importance.

For this same reason, doing the wrong things in the Adsense and other forms of advertisements, whether intentionally or unintentionally, will result in a severe penalty, may get you banned and even have your account terminated. Nothing like a good action taken to keep wrongdoers from doing the same things over again.

So for those who are thinking of getting a career in Adsense, do not just think of the strategies you will be using to generate more earnings. Consider some things first before you actually get involved.

Hidden texts. Filling your advertisement page with texts to small to read, has the same color as the background and using css for the sole purpose of loading them with rich keywords content and copy will earn you a penalty award that is given to those who are hiding links.

Page cloaking. There is a common practice of using browser or bot sniffers to serve the bots of a different page other than the page your visitors will see. Loading a page with a bot that a human user will never see is a definite no-no. This is tricking them to click on something that you want but they may not want to go to.

Multiple submissions. Submitting multiple copies of your domain and pages is another thing to stay away from. For example, trying to submit a URL of an Adsense as two separate URL's is the same as inviting trouble and even termination. Likewise, this is a reason to avoid auto submitters for those who are receiving submissions. Better check first if your domain is submitted already an a certain search engine before you try to submit to it again. If you see it there, then move on. No point contemplating whether to try and submit there again.

Link farms. Be wary of who and what are you linking your Adsense to. The search engines know that you cannot control your links in. But you can certainly control what you link to. Link farming has always been a rotten apple in the eyes of search engines, especially Google. That is reason enough to try and avoid them. Having a link higher than 100 on a single page will classify you as a link farm so try and not to make them higher than that.

Page rank for sale. If you have been online for quite some time, you will notice that there are some sites selling their PR links or trading them with other sites. If you are doing this, expect a ban anytime in the future. It is okay to sell ads or gain the link. But doing it on direct advertisement of your page rank is a way to get on search engines bad side.

Doorways. This is similar to cloaking pages. The common practice of a page loaded with choice keyword ads aimed at redirecting visitors to another "user-friendly" page is a big issue among search engines. There are many seo firms offering this kind of services. Now that you know what they actually are, try to avoid them at all costs.

Multiple domains having the same content. In case you are not aware of it, search engines look at domains IP's, registry dates and many others. Having multiple domains having the same exact content is not something you can hide from them. The same goes with content multiplied many times on separate pages, sub domains and forwarding multiple domains to the same content.

Google Adsense

Google Adsense - The Easiest Money To Make Online? by Jason Isakson

For the last couple of months, Google Adsense has dominated forums, discussions and newsletters all over the Internet. Already, there are tales of fabulous riches to be made and millions made by those who are just working from home. It seems that Google Adsense have already dominated the internet marketing business and is now considered the easiest way to making money online.

The key to success with Adsense is the placing of ads on pages that are receiving high traffic for high demand keywords. The higher the cost-per-click to the advertiser, the more you will receive per click from your site. Obviously, it does not pay to target low cost-per-click keywords and place them on pages that do not receive hits.

With all the people getting online and clicking away everyday, it is no wonder why Google Adsense has become an instant hit.

For some who are just new to this market, it would be a blow to their pride knowing that their homepage is buried somewhere in the little ads promoting other people's services. But then, when they get the idea that they are actually earning more money that way, all doubts and skepticism is laid to rest.

There are two major, and clever, factors that some successful webmaster and publishers are learning to blend together in order to make money easier using Adsense.

1. Targeting high traffic pages on your website. If you check on your logs, you will discover that many of your visitors are taking advantage of the free affiliate marketing resources and ebooks that you are offering on your site. In simple words, your ads are working effectively and are generating more clicks. It also means more money for you.

2. Placing Adsense links on pages that are producing little, or better yet, no profit. By placing Adsense on a free resources page, you will reduce the amount of potential customers being lost to other sites. Tricky, but effective nonetheless.

When learned to work effectively, these two factors are actually a good source of producing a minimal amount of revenue from a high traffic page. Many people are using this strategy to pick up some extra and cash with Adsense. This is also especially rewarding to informational sites that focus their efforts on delivering powerful affiliate link free content to their visitors. Now they can gain a monetary return on their services.

With the many techniques that people are now learning on how to make the easiest money by their Adsense, it is not surprising that Google is trying everything to update and polish their Adsense in order to maintain their good image.

The possibility of adding is 2nd tier in Adsense is not impossible. With all the people spending more time in their Adsense now and still more getting into this line of marketing, there is no doubt about the many new improvements yet to be made. Imagine the smiles on the faces of the webmasters and publishers all around the world if ever they sign up for sub-affiliates and double or even triple the amount that they are already earning. The one particularly handy money-making feature that is available with Adsense now is the ability to filter out up to 200 urls. These gives webmasters the option to block out low value offers from their pages as well as competitors to their websites. Talk about taking only those that are advantageous and discarding the ones that seem "useless".

With Google Adsense, the possibilities are limitless. Yet there is also the possibility of someone taking advantage of the easy money process that this internet marketing is doing. If you think more about it, these negative factors may force Google to break down and thrash Adsense in the process. If that happens, people would have to go back to the old ways of internet marketing that does not make money online as easy as Adsense.

For now, however, Google Adsense is here to stay. As long as there are people wanting to earn some easy cash online just using their talents, the future ahead is looking good. Besides with all the strict guidelines that Google is enforcing over Adsense, it will take awhile for the Adsense privileges to be spammed and even terminated.

Adsense Publisher

Adsense: Google Searcher Psychology For The Adsense Publisher by Rudy Dhondt

Have you ever thought of the fact that the visitors to your website are always looking for a solution to solve a problem? Or maybe they are looking for the opposite, which could mean that they seek pleasure and try to find information about a topic they are very passionate about.

No matter what the Internet surfer searches for, Google will always try to find the website with the most relevant information to what the surfer typed in the search bar. The website at the top of the search results will be the best search engine optimized website with the most relevant information.

This means that Google has indexed that website for that specific search term or keyword phrase.

What does this mean for you as a Adsense publisher?

1. You will have to optimize your website for a specific topic, and use specific keywords that are relevant to that topic in the articles you publish on your website.

2. If you want to keep the visitor on your website you will have to provide good quality content, preferably original self written articles. Google will find that content and provide relevant ads.

3. If you optimize your website for Adsense ads well enough, then visitors that still do not find what they search for, will hopefully leave your website by clicking on one of the Adsense ads.

Optimizing your website for the search engines and the visitor, will be easier if you always keep the searcher in mind and if you ask yourself the following questions:

* If I want to optimize my website for a specific topic, what does Google want me to provide for the visitor?

* If I want to optimize my website for a specific topic, what information does the visitor want to find?

* In case the visitor does not find the information. Can I use this to my advantage by optimizing the layout of my website?

The above described can only be achieved by doing thorough research prior to the creation of the website. Google will reward you for delivering quality information and will give your website a high rank in the search results.

Always remember that if you keep the visitor in mind, creating quality Adsense websites will be so much easier.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Healthy Perks

The Healthy Perks of Garlic by james ellison

The health perks of garlic are anything but new. Garlic has been produced and enjoyed for remedy purposes for thousands of years. The Roman soldier would eat garlic prior to going into battle, and the Egyptians fed it to their slaves to make sure they stayed strong and healthy. Evidence is still out on if garlic helps ward off vampires, it is known, however, to prevent a collection of illnesses.

It is a great source of significant nutrients like calcium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, manganese and selenium. Investigation shows eating garlic helps lower the danger of esophageal, stomach and colon cancers. It is also noted to lower the danger of heart disease.

Research has demostrated that garlic can reduce triglyceride levels and blood pressure. Garlic also reduces the bad LDL cholesterol while at the same time raising the good HDL cholesterol. It is also been demonstrated to help in the breaking up of blood clots, which means it will assist in reducing the chance of stroke.

Much of the advantages of garlic are accredited to a compound called allicin. In an interesting manner, raw garlic doesn't really contain allicin. Garlic does have alliin, which is changed to allicin when fresh garlic is shredded, crushed, compressed or chewed. By mashing the garlic clove before cubing it, you cause the production of allicin. Wait a few minutes before cooking or consuming the garlic. This will permit even more of the powerful allicin to be created.

Garlic has been shown to be a potent antibiotic and anti-inflammatory drug. Reports show it can assist with treating the symptoms related with the common cold. It can help combat health problems, as well as lower the intensity of inflammations created by conditions like arthritis.

Garlic, in fact, is a wonder food. We can wonderhow much do you need to consume in order to partake in the health advantages. Experts suggest around one or two cloves daily.

That may appear to be a lot, but there a thousand ways to slip garlic into your diet. It contributes such a powerful and pleasant-tasting flavor to almost anything. You can chop it up and put it in any marinade, sauce, dressing or salad. If making garlic bread, leave out the dried garlic powder and just mash some cloves and put it on the bread. It will add a lot fresher and more acute flavor.

Next you can make garlic oil by putting pressed garlic to olive oil. Garlic flavored mashed potatoes are scrumptious, and you can put it into other meals without fanfare. Try adding some pressed garlic to chopped meat when making hamburgers. It contributes an additional level of flavor, and makes the hamburger a little bit more wholesome.

While it is not my first selection for a late night snack, many individuals drop whole cloves into their mouths and eat them raw. Just make sure to have several breath mints close at hand.

Heating Your Koi

Heating Your Koi Pond by Kirk Rogers

Koi Pond Heating

There are many reasons for heating your koi pond,maybe you just want to see your enjoy your pond in all seasons.Whatever your reason we just want to give you some insight to make it easy to accomplish. There is now new technology,enery efficient heaters being developed for pond heating.Therefore we recommend electric koi pond heaters,submersible heaters,heat exchangers and floating pond heaters.Pond heating Considerations: First you must determine whether you want to de-ice or actually heat your pond to a specific temperature .Deicers melt the ice to provide an opening for harmful gas exchange only. Heating your pond to obtain a specific temperature can be a bit technical, so if your not sure about the heater sizing we recommend that you contact our koi pond heating specialists. The outside low temperature is the key to your kilowatt requirements and unfortunately it can vary. Your heater output kilowatts are calculated based on your low ambient temperature and if your geographical area drops far below that normal low temperature a safety factor should be included in the calculations.We recommend submersible pond heaters for small to medium size ponds and energy efficient heat exchangers for large ponds.

* Pond Heating: There are conditions that effect pond heaters and make it more difficult controlling pond temperature.
* Pond Waterfalls are used for aeration and beauty,but they cool the water and work against the heating process.
* Pond Water Depth a good designed koi pond should be at least three foot in depth,shallow large exposed surface area ponds are easily effected by wind chill factors and require larger pond heaters to maintain temperature.

Koi Pond Information: One period when koi keepers traditionally have their most difficult time with health problems is during the transition from winter to spring. As waters begin to warm up, pathogens are able to multiply at a more rapid rate than koi can defend themselves leading to an increase in the likelihood of disease. If a pond is heated over winter, then this risky period is removed from the koi owners.

Do not raise the koi's water temperature too fast. Parasites and bacteria can also grow more quickly in warm water. The fishes system takes time to adjust but the disease organisms do not. Raise the temperature from ambient at 3 - 5 degree intervals every 24 hours to 80 - 84 degrees Fahrenheit. Maintain a stable temperature with less than 2 degrees variable per day Treat with 0.3% salt and parasiticides or antibiotics during the adjustment period, and continue with medication if necessary until cure is affected. Maintain temp. for 4 - 6 weeks after cure, then slowly drop the temperature to match that of the pond water. This will ensure a stronger Koi and ease the fishes transition back to the pond.


Pruning Roses by Colin Clifford

Roses seem to grow and produce flowers for only a few years before becoming exhausted and starting to develop flowers down the lower part of the stem.Pruning is therefore needed to prvent the plant becoming a tangled mass of dying and living wood with inferior blooms.

Rambling Roses

Rambling roses have diminished in popularity over the years.They bloom only once a year albeit with a spectacular show of flowers but are not generally disease resistant and do need regular pruning.

Flowers grow on new wood so you will need to prune each year for a good show of flowers all over the plant.However rambling roses are a good choice in some areas, where their natural talents can be exploited.Rambling roses flexible stems will clamber enhusiastically up dead trees that would otherwise be an eyesore, or scramble riotously along the soil to produce unusual ground cover.

Climbing Roses

Climbing roses have much less flexiable stems than rambling roses, many are more disease resistant and some are repeat flowering.Since flowers develop on a framework of established wood,pruning climbing roses is a much less demanding than pruning rambling roses.Essential pruning is restricted to removing dead weak or diseased growth.

Deadhead as much as is practical during the summer and prune in the autumn after flowering.If you also shorten the side shoots that have flowered taking them back to three buds.You will encouragea good coverage of flowers next year.

Regenerating Old Climbing Rose

If a climbing rose has been neglected and lateral growth not encouraged by regular training and tying in, there may be many bare stems visible near ground level.You can encourage new basal shoots to develop by cutting down some of the old bare stems almost to ground level.

Hybrid tea and Floribunda Roses

Hybrid tea and floribunda roses are popular garden choices and have broadly similar pruning needs.Hybrid teas have been used for around 100 years their flowers have what is often seen as a classic rose shape.Hybrid teas are available in an amazing range of colours and are often well fragranced.

However there are some drawbacks with some varieties many hybrid tea bushes are quite ridged in shape, producing quite a stiff appearance that does not suit all gardens.Hybrid teas generally bloom less frequently than floribundas and are more susceptable to rain damage and not tolerent to less than perfect conditions.

Floribunda roses have been popular for around the last 50 years.Although the individual blooms may not be as first choice compared to the hybrid teas floribundas are chosen for there ability to flower continuously for long periods of time.Their increased disease resistance their ability to thrive in less than perfect conditions and for their rain tolerance.

Prune hybrid tea and floribunda roses in early spring when growth is just begining but to avoid the possibility of damage by wind rock cut back long shoots in autumn.Cut stems back to approximately half there length and remove damaged weak or diseased stems.Floribundas hard prune some old stems close to the ground to encourage new basal growth, while pruning last years new shoots only moderately.This variable pruning will encourage a good coverage of flowers over the whole plant.

Energy Performance

Role of Energy Performance Certificate Advisors

Who needs an Energy Performance Certificate?

An Energy Performance Certificate, also known as EPC, is the rating given to specific properties in the United Kingdom region. This grading is normally done for four or more bedroom houses and is used to encourage households to achieve optimum energy efficiency. An Energy Performance Certificate is part of the Home Information Pack. The agent or the seller is required to commission the certificate which is issued by accredited agents called Energy Performance Certificate assessors. The information collected by the assessor includes the location and construction. He is also required to check the fittings such as heating and insulation systems.

What information does an Energy Performance Certificate provide?

An Energy Performance Certificate is a certificate indicating the energy efficiency of a home. This assessment is indicated through grading which is done on a scale of A to G with the houses belonging to category A being the most energy efficient and having the best energy saving techniques. The environmental impact of the house is also indicated by the Energy Performance Certificate with the houses in Category A having lesser carbon dioxide emissions. An average home in the United Kingdom gets a D or E rating. Steps are suggested in the Energy Performance Certificates so that homes can improve their energy consumption pattern and save money.

Who are Energy performance certificate advisors?

Energy performance certificate advisors are the same as Energy Performance Certificate assessors. These advisors are members of an accreditation scheme and adhere to its code of conduct and procedures. They are called so, since, along with assessing the energy efficiency of homes, these professionals are also required to give advice regarding the steps that can be taken to improve the energy efficiency of the house, to improve the efficiency ratings of the house and to save money on energy consumption bills.

How can environmental-surveyors.com help?

www.environmental-surveyors.som is the official website of Wilbourn Associates which is a firm of professional chartered environmental surveyors. Although there are many firms offering similar services, Wilbourn Associates are the best in the field. The firm employs expert Energy performance certificate advisors who can assess the energy efficiency of a house and also issue the performance certificates. Not only is the firm involved in helping their clients check the land contamination or asbestos contamination on their sites, it also helps them clear their property of those contaminants.
On the official site, you can find information regarding the services offered by the firm which include environment screenings, environmental impact assessments, and the assessment and issuing land quality statements. If you need help regarding clearing any issue related to land development or assessment, chances are that the articles on the site related to these issues will be of help to you.


Spa Water Treatment Options

Since mankind decided that hot tubs would be fun we have had to face the challenge of keeping that water clear and safe. Chlorine and Bromine have been in use since almost day one. Both have their advantages. They kill everything. The down side is also that they kill everything. By that I mean that Chlorine and Bromine are both caustic chemicals. That is both how they function and what makes them less desirable. Not only do they kill germs and bacteria but they are harmful to your skin, hair, bathing suits, spa jets, pump impellers, pets and environment. With the heightened awareness of the environment and our own physical health, there has been a wide variety of alternatives to the old standards.

Minerals can be used to treat the spa water with less harmful effects. First, Copper can be used to treat your water and keeps stuff from growing in your water. It is a lot safer for your skin, hair and health, and won’t cause premature break down of your pump and jet components. Still, because it does a good job of killing things you need to use care when you empty your spa. Some areas have banned using copper to treat water because if it does end up in the water shed it will kill fish and algae.

Another popular choice is Silver and zinc. I would just recommend sticking with the liquid based versions. You should never use anything directly in the filter area of the spa because you do not want the risk of anything being sucked into the water pump.

Ozone can also be effective in water treatment. It works by exposing ultra violet light to air which forms an energetic oxidizer. It destroys algae, viruses and bacteria. Again you should know how to use your system properly. Avoid over exposure to ozone while using the spa. No ozone bubbles should be entering the spa during occupancy. Also you should not be able to smell ozone while you are in the spa.

One thing that a lot of spa owners forget about is checking your spa water pH. Maintaining the proper pH level can greatly improve the effectiveness of the water treatment. Spa water that is not properly balanced can cause irritation to eyes, and mucous membranes. Just because you keep a handle on your chemical treatment, do not get lazy about checking the pH.

Finally, circulation of the water. Stagnant water, especially warm stagnant water is a breeding ground for life. Regular circulation of the water for significant periods of time will reduce the need for chemicals and increases the effectiveness of the spas filtration. It is better overall for your spa pump to run for three to four hours at a time for two to three times per day as opposed to running for thirty minutes at a time ten times per day. If your spa only runs for thirty minutes it does no have enough time to properly filter all the spa water.

The bottom line is that yo want to be able to enjoy your spa for years to come. However like your car, regular maintenance can have a profound influence on that. If you maintain your car, change the oil, replace the filters, rotate the tires, you stand a much better choice of enjoying your vehicle with fewer unpleasant surprises. The same goes for your spa.

Fuel Saving Products

Fuel Saving Products

With the continual rise of gas prices it has become a wise decision to buy a car that saves fuel. A statistic says that as many as fifteen percent of car buyers reject a certain car model because they are not satisfied with its fuel saving features. Even more, some consumers rule out from the very beginning certain car models, such as SUVs, because they have very poor gas mileage.

Advice on how to improve gas mileage can be found almost anywhere – magazines, web sites, etc.- but can you really turn them into an everyday habit? Will you be able to drive slower every day or maintain the same speed at all time or use air conditioning to the minimum because it is known that fuel consumption will be increased . Of course, changing the oil and the air filters on a regular basis will ensure an improved gas mileage, but fuel saving won’t be spectacular and these procedures are not cost-free. Therefore, more and more consumers turn to a product which saves fuel.

The fuel saving products on the market fall into several categories. One of them is gas additives. It is based on a very sound mechanism and it’s very effective as far as costs are concerned. Its efficiency has been demonstrated scientifically and when using such a fuel saving product, you needn’t worry about low performance or increased exhaust emissions or short engine life anymore.

The testing of these fuel saving products is done according to established standards. Not only don’t they have a negative effect on the environment, but they are actually environment-friendly. How do these products work? The process is quite simple. The hydrocarbons in the gas have the tendency to curl up and form clusters, making it impossible for the oxygen to reach the fuel entirely. For this reason, the gas hydrocarbons burn only partially and what isn’t burned will result into exhaust emissions. The fuel saving products work to ease this process and make exhaust emissions lower.

Fuel saving additives can be found in shops or on the Internet. Regardless of the form they come in, that is liquid or solid, s tablets, they share a characteristic, which is that every product which saves fuel needs to be added when filling up the gas tank. Like many other products in the field, fuel savings products need to be used several times before their effects will become apparent. It is also important that you stick to same fuel saving product and remember that the effects will be obvious only after several fill-ups of your tank.

Fuel saving products improve the maneuverability of your car and the drivability of your engine because they release the engines components in general and the fuel injectors in particular of any possible deposits, while others provide the fuel system of your car with moisture.

A product that saves fuel is most likely to have been tested and registered so it’ s safe to use, but you have to make sure that these conditions are fulfilled. The fuel system of your vehicle will definitely not be harmed and you can relax about the exhaust emissions as well, because a fuel saving product will certainly not increase them. Tests of the products can be done in independent labs but that doesn’t make them less reliable. The most common way to test a product which saves fuel is to compare the test results on the same car, tests which has been performed with and without a fuel saving gas additive.

An effective way to ensure low fuel consumption is to make changes in your driver behavior. However, since this will most certainly not be enough, your satisfaction is guaranteed with a fuel saving product.

Saves Fuel, Fuel Saving

Islands of Plastic

Islands of Plastic in Our Oceans by Dennis Copson

While sitting in my dentist's office last week, I happened to pick up a copy of the October 2007 edition of National Geographic Adventure, 'The Green Edition'. While casually leafing through it I came across an interesting half page article (page 68) concerning plastic islands in the middle of our oceans - floating garbage patches thousands of miles from land covering vast areas.

The subject of the short article was an individual named Charles Moore, a transpacific sailor of note. Moore was and is the Captain of the Oceanographic Research Vessel Alguita. It seems that Captain Moore was returning from a transpacific race in 1997 to his homeport of Long Beach, California when he noticed an unusual phenomenon - these islands of plastic - in the middle of the Pacific Ocean in an area commonly referred to as 'the doldrums'.

I had previously come across some information on this unnatural occurrence while doing research for other plastic pollution articles. However, I passed it by as not very reliable. This recent browsing happenstance piqued my imagination in that it was prominently featured in a magazine of impeccable credentials. There had to be something there - something I could sink my teeth into. Not many of us are ocean going sailors who might see this abomination up close as did Captain Moore. But apparently these islands exist - huge mid ocean garbage dumps created by plastic and other waste discarded at sea or washed into it from land, driven by wind and currents to mid ocean where they join up to form this mass of pollution.

Captain Moore describes his first hand observation of this in his article "Trashed...Across the Pacific Ocean, Plastics, Plastics Everywhere" published in Natural History magazine in November 2003. In that interesting piece he relates his first observance: "It was on our way home, after finishing the Los Angeles-to-Hawaii sail race known as the Transpac, that my crew and I first caught sight of the trash, floating in one of the most remote regions of all the oceans... as I gazed from the deck at the surface of what ought to have been a pristine ocean, I was confronted, as far as the eye could see, with the sight of plastic... It seemed unbelievable, but I never found a clear spot. In the week it took to cross the subtropical high, no matter what time of day I looked, plastic debris was floating everywhere: bottles, bottle caps, wrappers, fragments...." In the National Geographic Adventure article he says "The gyre (doldrums) is windless and calm, so anything that floats ends up there. We motored through shampoo bottles, bags, fishing nets. This went on for days, which got me concerned. ... There are five similar gyres in the world, and it's pretty likely they're also contaminated." Moore has since returned to the area several times, done further study, and estimates the accumulation of floating debris including plastic at more than seven million tons. (Moore is the founder of and a researcher for the Algalita Marine Research Foundation, a nonprofit group "dedicated to the protection of the marine environment and its watersheds through research, education, and restoration". They could use your support. Visit them at www.algalita.org) Shocking! As I further explored the problem my immediate reaction to this information was "Why have I not heard more about this?" The plastic pollution of our oceans has apparently been known to researchers for years. Sometimes I think the scientific community fails to adequately educate the general public concerning these types of things. They 'research' and then do more research spending considerable effort and resources. Whatever and whenever they publish, it is mostly confined to scientific journals that the reading public rarely, if ever, sees. I am convinced of the people's willingness to help solve any problem if they are given the straight, nonscientific version of it. (There is nothing more boring to read than a scientist's report replete with scientific terms generally not known to the ordinary person.)

Apart from the obvious fact of these floating garbage dumps being unsightly, there is the less than obvious effect they are having on marine life. A floating plastic bag, mostly transparent in the sea water, becomes a meal for the unsuspecting sea turtle that recognizes it as a jelly fish - a delicacy to the turtle. After eating it, the plastic bag becomes lodged in the turtle's digestive tract and it is indigestible. This may - and does - prove fatal. Sea birds consume floating plastic such as bottle caps. Dead birds' intestines have been examined and found to contain these and other plastic debris which was the probable cause of their deaths. Plastic and other trash in our oceans is estimated to be killing more than a million sea birds and 100,000 mammals and turtles each year according to United Nations reports. Scientists relate that plastic in the marine ecosystem has more than tripled in the last 40 odd years and its effect is yet to be fully determined. We do know that it is not a positive one.

There are too many other damaging aspects to various other marine mammals, birds, and sea life to list here in detail. Research online will reveal the scope of the problem for those interested in learning more.

Since we have been making plastic in any large amounts for only about forty years, this is a rather new problem - one that has escaped our attention while it has truly become unique in its scope and breadth. We can't 'see' it in our daily lives. It is out to sea and therefore unthreatening to us on land. We sometimes see plastic debris washed onto our beaches and organize cleanups. Just imagine the logistics - and expense - of organizing a cleanup of the vast Pacific Ocean? There are millions of tons of this material out there - an impossible task.

However, we can do something while here on terra firma. Use less plastic: substitute reusable canvas bags for your store's plastic bags while shopping. Do not discard plastic where it can wash into the ocean or other waterways such as rivers and lakes. Let manufactures know you are not happy with excessive use of plastic in packaging. (Ever buy something in a big plastic package only to open it to find a tiny item which has been over packaged? Then we discard that packaging to the landfill where it will take perhaps hundreds of years to disintegrate - or worse, discard it into our streams, rivers, and oceans where it will eventually join up with other debris to form more and larger islands of plastic.)

In my case, I have always been fascinated with the oceans. I loved such books as "Kon-Tiki: Across the Pacific in a Raft" by Thor Heyerdahl, the South Pacific classics "Mutiny on the Bounty" as well as Herman Melville's "Typee", and the like. I always pictured the azure blue Pacific Ocean, especially the idyllic South Pacific, as being a pristine place. Apparently that is no longer the case.

I have sailed across much of the Atlantic and Pacific courtesy of the United States Navy - as a US Marine 'guest' I might add. I have to admit I wasn't looking for islands of plastic during those voyages. It now concerns me that we have vast garbage patches floating out there and we know so little about it. "Knowledge is Power" it is said. Read up on this and then do something to help, won't you? At least do not discard your plastic into our waterways!

"Every single piece of rubbish has an owner. And every single person can make a difference by making sure they take their rubbish with them when they leave the beach." ~ Andrea Crump, a litter projects coordinator with the Marine Conservation Society (United Kingdom)

Climate Change

Climate Change by Satish KS

Abrupt Climate Change Requires Fast Solutions

We no doubt have heard about global warming and how it is predicted to change the earth's atmosphere by the end of this century. This century has just begun, we have 92 years left to go, and all of us reading this article will be gone by then. Of course we want a better environment for the people yet to come.

However the data suggests that abrupt climate change is more likely to occur. The changes in our global climate within the last ten years indicate that abrupt climate change has already occurred. It is time to open up our eyes and do something about global warming and climate change before it is too late.

There are still some common myths and misunderstanding about abrupt climate change that needs to be dispelled. Global temperatures have been recorded since 1860, and although the average temperature has risen by about .6 degrees Celsius over the entire century, the last eleven years have produced the hottest years recorded. Furthermore, six of those years were in fact the warmest and have been recorded since 1990. Those statistics alone increase the global warming rate by 1 full degree Celsius over the last century.

Although abrupt climate change is being played down by those who insist that it has occurred by natural causes, and that in an of itself means that it is quite normal to have these temperature variations across time, there is no doubt that man has played a part in this acceleration by releasing carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and chlorofluorocarbons within the atmosphere. What we do not know for sure is how much natural conditions, such as storm patterns like El Nino, volcanic ash, and changes in the Sun's energy contributes to abrupt climate change, anymore than we know how much anthropogenic causes has contributed to this situation.

Another misconception is that the air is the only transporter of heat. Actually the air and the oceans transport heat around the world. The oceans store carbon dioxide, heat, freshwater and salt. Seaweed stores more heat than the atmosphere, but the general differences are that heat can travel faster in the air than in the waters that feed different areas of the globe.

The Atlantic Ocean has the ability to (the Atlantic Heat Pump) transport more warm water to the Artic than the Pacific Ocean. Ocean currents have two properties; they travel by wind and density. The density is the amount of salt coupled with the ocean's water temperature, this density is known as thermohaline circulation and acts as an ocean conveyor belt circulating cooler waters at its depth going in one direction and warmer waters that are less dense traveling in the opposite direction. Changes in this system brought on by melting ice and the absorption of fresh water into the oceans will change the chemical compound of the oceans. This in turn will interfere with the natural Atlantic Heat Pump function leading to a possible abrupt climate change. It is felt that the cooler period known as the Little Age Ice in Europe ending in 1850 was a result of the Atlantic Heat Pump water density change.

However, the major crisis at this time is not cooler weather but abrupt climate change as a result of warmer weather. Though the earth can be cooler in some places as evidenced by the Atlantic heat pump contributions, it is over all warming up at alarming speeds. We must become just as abrupt as the climate changes to come up with fast solutions to this world crisis.
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